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Payment Failure

For your transaction security, if you choose payment methods such as credit card, Line Pay, Apple Pay, or Jkopay, and if payment fails due to factors like incorrect information input, 3D verification failure, or bank refusal, the payment status will be updated to "Payment Failure" immediately. At the same time, the system will automatically cancel the order. After the order is canceled, any shopping credits you used will be refunded to your account.


Payment Timeout 】

If you choose payment methods like credit card, Line Pay, Apple Pay, or Jkopay, and you encounter the following situations:
- Unable to submit the order for unknown reasons, unable to enter the OTP SMS password
- Failure to complete 3D verification (no SMS received, abandoned midway)
- Connection issues, no further payment page appears
- Exiting the payment page or closing the website

These situations will prevent the system from determining whether the order was successfully paid immediately. After one hour, the system will update the "Payment Status" to "Payment Timeout" and choose to "Automatically Cancel the Order." It will also restore shopping credits and points to the original expiration date. At this point, you can proceed with reordering.