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Our products aim to deliver maximum benefits when consumed. Dietary supplements must provide clear advantages to the body after consumption. Therefore, for us, providing safe and effective dietary supplements is our top priority.

The selection and combination of different ingredients and formulations are the result of decades of experience in the fields of functional medicine and preventive medicine by our research team. We have also extensively studied thousands of scientific articles, continuously testing and refining to achieve the most perfect formulations. Furthermore, all our product ingredients meet the daily recommended intake levels established through clinical validation. As a result, our products have been proven to be highly effective when consumed. We ensure that all our products are science-based, supported by research, professionally formulated, and rigorously tested for potency and efficacy.

Quality, concentration, and purity are the cornerstones of nutritional supplements and the key to brand sustainability. We not only source high-quality certified raw materials that have passed scientific validation but also ensure that each batch of raw materials meets our strict quality standards. We do not cut corners to reduce costs, unlike many low-quality products that only add small amounts for flashy marketing claims. Cutting corners in ingredient sourcing ultimately compromises concentration and quality in clinical use, resulting in significantly reduced effectiveness.

In selecting our ingredients, we carefully choose premium materials from top European and American brands. While they may be more expensive, their quality has been verified, they exhibit excellent stability, high purity, and superior absorption rates, providing peace of mind after consumption.

Our formula has earned recognition and recommendations from numerous medical institutions and professionals, and our product has received certifications and prestigious awards from various domestic and international professional evaluation organizations. Currently, we have received more than 42 awards in Europe and the United States alone. What's more, we are the only brand in Taiwan to have been nominated for the Monde Selection "The Prize of The Jury", a prestigious honor in the world of quality assessments.

To receive a nomination for "The Prize of The Jury", not only does our formula need to score highly in terms of potency, ingredient selection, purity, and most importantly, effectiveness, but it also requires unanimous recognition from the jury. Being among the top 5 selected products of the year from over 3500 entries makes it an exceptionally valuable honor. This means that our formula and product have received world-class recognition and are a top-tier professional health and nutrition brand that you can trust with confidence.

Our products are based on the latest scientific research and clinical evidence. The top-grade ingredients we use, which have undergone scientific testing, represent higher stability, purity, concentration, and bioavailability compared to other ingredients. In other words, they offer superior effectiveness when consumed. For example, both the astaxanthin and bilberry ingredients we select have over 50 human clinical studies each, which is a standard and assurance that few other brands on the market can achieve. Furthermore, in pursuit of effectiveness, we also prioritize active form ingredients whenever possible, such as active form folate (methylfolate) and B12 (methylcobalamin). Active ingredients are often more expensive, making up a significant portion of the product's cost, resulting in a higher retail price. However, active form formulations represent clinical efficacy and assurance. The most crucial aspect of health and nutrition supplements is their effectiveness. If they are not effective, no matter how cheap they are, they are ultimately a wasteful expense.

In addition to the strength of our formulations, product quality is further ensured through high standards of manufacturing. We select different manufacturing facilities based on the specific characteristics of our products, ranging from Taiwan to Canada. Our product manufacturing processes adhere to extremely strict procedural specifications and safety standards, including ISO, GMP, and FDA-certified facilities in the United States.

Every batch of our products undergoes testing at third-party  laboratories. In addition to standard tests for heavy metals, microbiology, and other essential criteria, different products are subject to additional testing based on their specific characteristics. For example, we conduct tests for residues of veterinary drugs, plasticizers, and radiation, among other specific parameters. We also perform random sampling and testing for various elements. Some ingredients are sensitive and prone to degradation, so in addition to initial testing during product development, we regularly sample and test finished products to ensure they meet the claims made on the product labels. These testing costs can accumulate significantly, but for us, they represent a non-negotiable commitment.